Recycle Recycle Recycle!!!
We have many schools in need of good books for their libraries and classrooms. In addition to books, we can find a very good home for your well loved items. Please consider donating them for the greater benefit! Especially, in addition to books, desks & chairs are always needed in schools.
We will be able to provide you very detail information about their new home and you will be able to check where and how they settle down:) We already found new homes for many donations from individual as well as large corporations. We have already established 4 libraries in local schools and urgently must help to set 2 more libraries for some schools that do not have a library.
Always let us know first!
We have many schools in need of good books for their libraries and classrooms. In addition to books, we can find a very good home for your well loved items. Please consider donating them for the greater benefit! Especially, in addition to books, desks & chairs are always needed in schools.
We will be able to provide you very detail information about their new home and you will be able to check where and how they settle down:) We already found new homes for many donations from individual as well as large corporations. We have already established 4 libraries in local schools and urgently must help to set 2 more libraries for some schools that do not have a library.
- Gently used BOOKS!!!
- School supplies
- Office Furniture
- Children's desk, CHAIRS!!
- Toys, puzzles, and sports equipment
- Any item can be used in a school environment
Always let us know first!